Thursday, February 28, 2013

ERICA FONTANO highlight is glare in pupil. light values are under eye and surrounding the iris. medium tone is in the eyelid. dark values are in the crease and surrounding iris.

Jules' answer


Highlights- hair, pupil, lips, top of lips, nose, and a little above eyebrows

Cast shadows- under lips, neck, right side of face from hair, left side of face on cheekbone

Light values- upper left and right cheek, hair, eyes

Medium values-left cheek, eye lids, eyes, teeth

Dark values-neck, above eye, sides of the face

Chloe's Answer

  • Highlights: center of the veins, side of thumb,center of fingernails, knuckles
  • Light Value: fingernails, towards the wrists, fingertips
  • MediumValue: center of each finger
  • Shadows: far left side of the fingers, far left side of the hand
  • Cast Shadows: the outline of the veins, the spaces between the fingers

Larissa's answer

highlights- the pupil of her eye, the highlights in her hair lights-  bridge of her nose, her neck, the lights on her shirt medium tones- the right side of her face,the right side of her foehead, her shirts wrinkles, her lips. dark shadows- her hair,eyelashes,eyebrows, eyes. cast shadows the wrinkles on the shirt,

Dante's answer

Midtones- lips and neck
Highlights- cheek, forehead, chest, and hair
Cast shadows- on the n
Dark values- hair, eye, nose, cheek bone, right should
eck and under the lip

Light values- sides of eye and strands of hair

Lexy's Answer

Highlights- Left side of face, top of nose, eyes/pupil, above chin, center of lips, middle of ear
Midtones- strands of hair, lower portion of forehead, cheek bones, lips
Cast Shadow-under lip, under chin
Dark Values-strands of hair, above eye/eye lashes, neck, eyebrows
Light Values-corners of eyes, around nose, ear, shoulder

Friday, February 22, 2013

assignment 2- pencil value

Find and post the most impressive pencil value drawing you can find from research.
The list where you see all of the light terms- highlight, light value, medium values, shadows, and cast shadows.  You may be intersted in looking at illusions by M. C. Escher.  I suggest searching pencil value drawings. 

Ex. highlights- pupil of eye, center of lip, light value- forehead, medium- most of hair, dark value- hair, eye lid, center of lip, cast shadow- under lip